Holding Pattern

Deut 31:8: The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
The in-between moment can feel full of implausibility; an unlikelihood down a particular path. Yet we can remain calm while assuredly stepping forth, knowing that God’s direction is always best – that the progression forward, onward, toward a challenge will stretch our faith, while requiring complete reliance upon His insight. Many decisions and choices deliver us to that space of real certainty: to the reality of complete dependence upon God. Circumstance occupied with suffering and loss can thrust the soul toward Him, and eventually, perhaps toward ministry, aiming at refurbishing one’s priorities.
Even providential gifts – such as a benevolent word spoken in a moment of grief, some unexpected financial support, or an extraordinary opportunity offered – all can direct and guide. We must remain vigilant to investigate each condition, to measure toward the litmus test of the Bible, to view a situation in light of His general Biblical promise: to sustain and provide for each need. Maturity – experiential and age and emotions – grows and develops as our relationship with God flourishes and deepens, and we can view each new challenge with spiritual eyes as well; to realize the eternal impact and significance instead of the temporal or fleshly.
To offer ourselves “as living sacrifices” and to “be transformed by the renewing of our minds” (Romans 12) are life-long pursuits, which require enormous self-control, starting with a daily discipline of thoughts and actions and reach further into surrendering our ideas of particular paths for life, while submitting our entire wellbeing and will to the Lord, alongside an openness with which He can move and perform in our lives – all while remembering that He goes with us!


  1. You're so right, C! I think the most trying for me is making it through the ordninary, every day experiences. To try to let God live in me and allow Him to move and change me in the little, normal things--that is so challenging! Thanks for your words. Wish we could chat in person.


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